The information provided here emphasizes the need for responsible and legal procurement of Viagra, highlighting how to buy viagra pills safely and addressing common queries. Always consult with healthcare providers for personalized medical advice. Viagra and Sildenafil: Usage Rationalization, Cost, and Purchase Options The purchase of Viagra by the military, cost-related questions, and where to find the best deals on Viagra and its generics are often points of interest for individuals. Military’s Purchase of Viagra Why does the military buy viagra: The U. military includes Viagra and other ED medications in its healthcare coverage for service members. This is partly because ED can be a side effect of combat injuries, stress, and other military-related health conditions, and thus such medications are included in the comprehensive medical care provided to service members. Sildenafil and Its Market Cost Why is sildenafil so expensive 100 mg sildenafil price: The cost of sildenafil can be influenced by factors such as market demand, manufacturing costs, and the pricing strategies of pharmaceutical companies.