Alcohol Can I consume alcohol with Cialis 20 mg tablet? Hence, using condoms becomes absolutely necessary when you are having sexual intercourse. A: Cialis 20 mg tablet is indicated only for men. Avoid processed foods. The next way to take this medicine is once every day. When it is taken this way, there is no restriction on sexual activity as it can be done at any time between the doses.Most user-friendly Hims Cialis (3+) from Hims Delivery time: 2–5 business days Prescription needed: yes Accepts insurance: no Dosage: 5 mg SHOP NOW AT HIMS Healthline ‘s review Hims is a. This medicine Tadalafil 20 mg is used in treating patients who are suffering from impotency related and erectile dysfunctional issues as well. Medicine ensures to increase the flow of blood to the Penis. Keeps the erection for a longer duration preventing the symptoms of BPH. If you need to Buy Tadalafil (Cialis) Online & Free Shipping At. Prescription needed: yes Dosage: 5 mg Usage: take as needed or daily at a low dosage GET STARTED WITH HIMS MNT ‘s review At Hims, Cialis is available as: Daily tadalafil: or 5 mg daily pill.